Many months, I come here with a mantra that attempts to give you a big hug and tells you you’re doing great! They all spring from some issue or idea that I am grappling with personally and it is my utmost goal that, through these mantras, you are not only encouraged but that you also begin to see the universality of our struggles. They may all be a bit different, but each and every mantra comes from a space of us here at The Creative Mama wanting to help you lead your very best life. Sometimes that means helping you to feel good and believe in yourself. This month’s mantra is about projecting outward all of that goodness we’ve been fostering internally.
I have always found words to be very powerful. Few quotes can stir me and set me on a better path than those of Ghandi that remind me always to “Be the change {I } wish to see in the world.” But words so grand, so powerful, and so meaningful can be difficult to put into practice on a day to day level. I hear something like that and I want to go and feed all the hungry and mother all the orphans. But I believe that Ghandi’s quote can also be a really powerful guide in much smaller ways as well.
Our daily interactions with each other offer us the greatest opportunity to embody just the kind of love we need more of in this world. Sometimes, what we give to others does not always equal what receive in return. But if we are to “Be the change we wish to see in the world” then we need to start at our most fundamental relationships and Be The _________ We Would Like to Have. No matter what word you chose to put in that blank; whether it be spouse, daughter, mother, friend, co-worker, boss, employee, neighbor, etc; the message works and acts as the most simple and perfect guide to making this world a better place.
This work is incredibly challenging. It’s not easy to give without receiving or to put out into this world what you may never get back from certain people. But that’s not the point. It’s not about mirroring people’s behavior back to them. It’s about actually being the change. This month, we’re breaking cycles, we’re tearing down old structures, and we’re rebuilding relationships that will change the world. And while this work may be difficult, I dare to propose that you will start to see that love and positivity come back to you. Maybe not in the most predictable ways, but the good you put into this world will come back to you. Most times, it comes simply from the satisfaction of knowing that you are being a really good person…that you’re being the ____________ that you would like to have. Because chances are, if it’s something you’re needing or wanting, it’s something we’re all needing and wanting.
Here are some ideas for journaling if you’d like to dive a little deeper this month:
- Are there relationships in your life that you feel the balance of give and take are not equal? Has your natural reaction been to “give anyway” or to close off to attempt to level the relationship?
- Does your reaction to this inequality enhance and grow your relationship or does it hurt and shrink the relationship?
- If you could create the most perfect mother/daughter/spouse/co-worker/friend/boss/employee/neighbor/etc. for yourself, what characteristics would that person embody? (choose the one or ones that most define your roles and circumstances or work on them all throughout the month)
- Which of these qualities do you already embody in these roles and relationships? Which qualities could you bring more of to these roles and relationships?
You can download the printable version of this image and tack it up somewhere you’ll see it and be reminded all month long to be part of the solution, to be the change, to Be The ______ That You Would Like to Have. Then you can snag the web version to share with your friends and encourage them to do the same. Imagine that…all of us being the change and being there at that level for one another. Goodness…it would be magnificent!
This article was written by Maegan.